Stress And Rebirth

One of the worst kind of stress resulting from immediate death and the thought of our death, and our dear ones near. They usually remain occupied in something or other and stick to escape from these thoughts by calling them negative. Even while we were in hospital intensive care units, and we prefer to remain engaged in "positive thinking"! We are afraid of rebirth, as we forced to, unforeseen awful "wretched individuals or animals ".

the fear of death is commonplace, with a physiological basis. So the fear is actually the feeling that comes from the autonomic outflow (pulses) causes visceral activities,. Such as chest pain, heart palpitations, stomach sinking, cold clammy extremities, and dizziness due to decreased blood flow to the brain

the fear of death is actually because we identify strongly with these phenomena causes an unpleasant osjećaj.Strah as and when we experience these unpleasant sensations (until we are able to detach from them). Therefore, children are likely not colored because of inexperience, and the old are too experienced to be afraid;! In relation to our

In other words, stress is due to the fact that death is "our bodies" shall be considered really convinced that "our" death. In fact, many of us believe that everything in life comes at the end, after the death of the body. According to them the idea of reincarnation is just a vain imagination and an excuse to deny the sovereignty and supremacy of the nature of "our" inevitable mortality


let us understand death and rebirth of a little more,. So that reduces our stress

Let us appreciate that, death (rebirth) does not always apply to the whole body. Our body cells are dead and have lost the variable measured and reconstructed (reborn) from time to time. Even our passions, emotions and thoughts going through changes, in terms of the disappearance of old and new look. But we are still the same person!

So it does not negate our association with the change of existence, we can at least begin to imagine, and later experience that we have an unchanging backdrop or background or substrate to which changes in the body they were born, raised and propadoše.Svijest a constant cycle of birth and and rebirth, and keep him!

In fact, birth and rebirth, as we see and perceive, the physiological product of our senses, our brain's cortical skills and ograničenja.Svijesti, however, "there" beyond our borders!

revival, and not a matter of belief or disbelief. This is not a hypothesis, assumption, or theory, and certainly not the wild imagination or a bluff, to explain the results of good deeds and bad deeds, or anything else. It is a psychological tool for calming and comforting the suffering people.

Birth of identity refers to both consciousness and memory. It is observed in the case of certain historical figures such as Shripad Shrivallabh and Narasimha Saraswati (1378-1458). Others have no memory or awareness to support the re-birth.

proof of reincarnation, through science, needs accurate identification, definition and understanding of consciousness as a separate entity. Because we have to show; birth (easy), death (easy) and the individual consciousness and its relationship to the individual who was born and died, to "continue" after death (a very difficult, unless you have a gadget that can snimitipostojanje individual consciousness).

So far, we do not have such a gadget. Moreover, our consciousness can not catch our consciousness in its entirety. Our consciousness can not be identified to demonstrate our consciousness as a separate entity, to some other person! So currently, it is not possible to "prove" the rebirth


, however, we can practice NAMASMARAN and check whether it is really a golden opportunity, which allows us to grow our own subjectivity and consciousness of the body, and merged into its own, universal, absolute, cosmic, trans-temporal and immortal awareness and experience;! otherwise mysterious and esoteric aspects of birth, death, rebirth and immortality, and thus overcome any related stress

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