ASUS EEE EP121 Review

Opet moram izraziti svoje rezervacije o dugoročno trajanje baterije. Kao što se očekivalo, što inženjeri poboljšati svoje inovacije na snažne malo san strojeva kao što su ASUS EEE EP121, čini se kao da tehnološki napredak, a trajanje baterije poboljšanje traje stražnjem sjedalu. Ovaj uređaj je daleko napredni. No, moram pitanje, u kojoj mjeri se moramo neprestano žrtvovati vremena trošimo punjenja do naših ulaganja. To je moja želja da inženjeri proveo više vremena u istraživanje i razvoj i širenje trajanje baterije od ovih prekrasnih gadgeta. Neka je to lice. To je bateriju koja stvarno čini razliku. Je 4,5 sati dovoljno?


is described as the world's most powerful tablet, ASUS EP121 is described as such. Wow! This is a bold proclamation. I say bold because who can say with certainty that technological advances will tomorrow bring? In any case, this device looks like a beautiful package. You know the old adage, good things come in small packages? Well it just might be one of them. I was quite impressed and pleasantly surprised when I first spied this product. Who can go wrong investing in such a petite package features a behemoth? Let us examine the details.


Again, I must express my reservations about the long battery life. As expected, the engineers improve their innovation in a powerful little dream machines like the ASUS EEE EP121, it seems as if technological advances and improved battery life takes a back seat. This condition is far advanced. However, I must question the extent to which we must continually sacrifice time we spend filling up our investments. It is my desire that engineers spent more time in research and development and expansion of a battery life of these wonderful gadgets. Let's face it. This is a battery that really makes a difference. Is 4.5 hours enough?

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