No No Hair System - This Hot Little Gadget Is Heating Up The Hair Removal Circuit

After watching more online shopping a few times, I thought I would take the plunge and try No No Hair System 8800th I got it through their website, so I could get 60 day trial promotion just to be sure. Although I was not expecting to be bald after 60 days, it would be enough time to get a good feel for it and decide whether I wanted to keep him.

The following overview is based on No No Hair of 8800 as opposed to no no "Classic", which was their original units. I wanted a unit that I could use on my face, and the 8800 Classic because it is not recommended for the facial area. Although it is not no hair of 8800 ($ 270) is $ 20 more expensive than conventional ($ 250), it is definitely worth the extra $ 20 to be able to use it on my upper lip. In this review I try to cover every aspect of the product does not answer the question I do not work, and help you make an educated decision.

No No Hair System Claims

  • It is pain free
  • This will cost less than laser systems
  • It is safe for all skin types
  • It is effective on all hair and skin color
  • will get up to 94% reduction in hair growth

It is important to note that no system is not permanent hair removal system, nor the length of time to see the results as good as those of professional laser hair removal or electrolysis. And remember, a professional laser hair removal is also not permanent. In any case, the repeated and continued use, there is no system significantly reduces hair density and hair growth in all target područjima.Termalne heat or technology used, directly affects the hair follicle and delays and impairs future hair growth.

That was 4 months for me, and I'd been experiencing 80% reduction of hair on the legs and 100% on the upper lip. This is huge! I did not use it in any other area yet. Keep in mind that it is not no hair systems as well as any other (heat, light, or professional laser) hair removal system, it is often time-consuming, the application is recommended 2-3 times a week for at least 8 weeks. Personally, it's not a big deal for me because I was watching TV when I was "no no ".


The question is, do not I do not work or is it just a bunch of empty promises? Well, it May not be perfect, but I was happy to buy it after 60 days of the trial period was over. Here's why ...

I got my No No Hair of the mail 1 week after I placed my order from their website. The system comes with the device itself, a charger, quick user guide, after treatment lotion, 2 hot-blade (small and large), a handy carrying case, leather pad and a little cleaning brush, so you can clean the blades and the head unit.

The first thing I noticed that the 8800 is slimmer and higher than the Classic (which is my friend). It is wireless so all you need is to charge it and not have to spend money on buying batteries, which was filed a few people had the "Classic". After you charge it, you turn it off and start using it. I mentioned that because of some electronic items should be included when you use it - No No Hair System 8800 does not. The device has a screen that shows how much battery life is left, which is also convenient because you do not want to go dead in mid-treatment, filling, and then remember where you were last.

How to Use the No No Hair System

As you know, no no hair system is designed to remove unwanted hair from face, arms, legs, underarms, back and bikini line - almost all areas of hair growth, except that you can use the No No Hair system genitals or breasts - and the areola (pigmented skin ring around the nipple) is out. Many people have hair in the areola, so I would suggest tweezing the hair područjima.Ne No system is based on Thermicon technology, which basically means it uses heat to zap all the hairs root.

Here's how it is easy to use: Hold No No Hair conditioning system at a 90 degree angle above the targeted area and move it slowly in a straight line. No No Hair System has a little light on the front panel that stays green when the device is used properly. That's it. Make sure to follow instructions. For example, say you are working your arms.

Start at one end and glide No No Hair conditioning system at a 90 degree angle to the other end. When you reach the end, make sure to lift unit. Do not stop at the skin and let it sit there or May you experience a little burn. Remember to use heat ZAP head. Do not worry ... It does not hurt.

Before starting treatment with the No No hair system, you must make sure your skin is clean and dry, and you're using the right size blade that comes with the system for the area you are targeting. If you are doing upper lip, use a smaller blade, if you work your hands, use a larger nož.Ne Hair No system is an absolute no-brainer when it comes to ease of use.

It is important to note that I do not hair system, people say that to achieve good hair reduction No No hair system should be used 3 times a week for the areas, especially in the beginning stages of treatment, for a period of about 6-8 weeks . I'd go a little further and say that if you use more often, do it. You will see better results and no side effects to using it more. But it really depends on how sensitive your skin, how much time you have, how much hair, your skin type, etc. I was using it 4-5 times a week for the first month.

No No My Hair System Pages

I have been using the No No Hair of 8800 to just over 4 months. I have dark, curly hair, of course, with olive complexion, so I thought "excellent" candidate for laser hair removal (see the chart type of skin laser hair removal post). My personal experience is very good, but that will vary depending on your hair and skin color / type. To find out your skin and hair type, please see my post on laser hair removal and scroll down to find Fitzpatrick Chart. I also read reviews about people of different hair and skin types who are using the No No hair system, and most were positive in their reviews, is a good suffered a significant reduction in hair.

After 6 weeks of use No No Hair System

When I started using the No No Hair system did not follow instructions and use it to 1-2 weeks for the first 2 weeks and saw little results (some hair reduction, probably 10%). I traveled to work at that time and simply can not be in harmony with it. But once the dust settled I began to use it 3 -. 5 times a week and began to see great results after the fourth week

There is certainly good for hair reduction, but I'd say about 40%, but the best part is, my hair was growing in a much softer than usual. My skin is completely smooth, but it is soft and stubble in the hairiest part of my leg (shin) where my hair is coarse. I continued to shave as usual during the first month to get 100% hair free results, but I find your skin becoming smoother. Incidentally, I've been using it on my legs and upper lip only.

Note that I do not recommend you use it as often as I do (4 times a week). I am and that's good for me - I do not experience any burning or side effects, but everyone is different. I am a good candidate for laser hair removal by "Fitspatrick" Skin the chart so I'm assuming that my skin type can handle.

treatment of the feet takes me about 30 minutes (I take my time and do it right, and I watch TV), and about 7 minutes for the upper lip, which is still much less time than the salon or clinic, especially if throw in time travel.

My trial period is going to end in two weeks, but I've seen a lot - "chaching"! I bought it!

After 10 weeks of use No No Hair System

I found that after 10 weeks I started to shave a lot less - about once a month just to "clean up" a few hairs that are still growing. It will now start using the epilator on my feet because I do not have enough hair to actually shave. All I have now a new hair growth.

It has been four months since I started using your system No No hair and I shaved your legs in 5 weeks and still going .... This is a huge benefit. I have some hair, but they are so soft and light, I can not see them so I'm not worried about it yet. Ok .... After 5 weeks of not shaving your legs and do not see any hair growth on my upper lip, I'm falling in love with her No No Hair System.

Hot Blades

will eventually have to replace the blade No No Hair sustava.Tvrtka tells us that we should replace them after about 1 month, but I disagree. It was almost 3 months for me and only now am ready to replace him. I have already ordered a pack of 3 blades for about $ 25. My colleague at work, I do not have your hair system and even though she uses it less than me, she has just replaced it twice in about 10 months. It is classical conditioning and its purchase last year. However, mine lasted 2 months longer than they should, and do not spend your money, unless you must. To gauge for yourself.

Ah the smell ...

does not help hair system removes hair from thermal or thermal energy, it generates the smell of burning hair was definitely uncomfortable. To reduce the smell, I just use my No No Hair system in a well ventilated area or near an open window. Depending on what bothers you, you May want to wash the treated area or take a shower after the treatment (especially if you're going out for a night on the town )!

What does it cost me?

cost of hair removal is definitely one of my key issues in choosing between systems for hair removal. No No Hair System sells for $ 270 which is much cheaper than professional laser hair removal. You will also need to factor in costs for new blades, which cost $ 25 for a pack of 3 years. Although it is not no hair system comes with a buffer and straightening creams, you will not have to change the order of this really. Do not use tampons, I just use a cloth to rub the hair, and I use my natural skin lotion.

Bearing in mind that professional laser hair removal session (1 session) will cost between $ 100 (upper lip) to $ 800 (back), depending on the part of the body, $ 270 is very economical in comparison. Also, since the laser hair removal involves several treatment sessions to achieve lasting results, it is definitely the most expensive option available.

"ouch" factor

Another consideration any hair removal treatment is a risk of pain or adverse reactions.

This is an important consideration for many people when it comes to selecting not only their preferred method of hair removal, but the system. As a result of No No Hair of the pain scale? ... I was not pain-free hair system? Yes, I do not apsolutno.Ne hair system is really a pain in the skin, a friend of the skin, and the customers I have researched on the internet. Outside the warm feeling and a slight tingling, no pain.

As you glide No No Hair system in relation to the skin, hair and zaps detected - in other words, burning, or "crystallized" hair. Therefore, the different smells of burning hair that lingers in the air. Unpleasant, yes. But no deal breaker. The bad smell was one complaint most users imali.Ne a system for hair can cause accidental burns if you do not use it properly, or if you use it in the wrong areas. I was "burned" once because I had the wrong way, but it was so mild and do not feel it burn.


Most users have found on the Internet (as my friend and I) found a significant progress in reducing hair with consistent, repeated use of the No No hair system. In addition, no no hair system does not seem to work for all skin types and hair - I know for a fact two: dark brown hair with olive skin (I) and light-skinned with blonde hair (my friend, even though her ​​hair reduction is less the same length of time ).

your tastes and needs will dictate what the hair system is best for you. If what you want is a system that will give you a very long break from the hair growth, and money is no problem, but a professional laser hair removal is a good alternative. Who does not like to lay back and be pampered? But if you are concerned with the price and want to significantly reduce hair regrowth for a reasonable length of time then I do not hair system is definitely worth the $ 270 price of the former.

If you think you've just run the machine over the skin several times that they are perfectly smooth skin, you will be very disappointed with any hair removal system, including professional laser hair and this one.

On the other hand, if you are willing to follow instructions and use it regularly for several months, then you will be satisfied with your purchase. Just do it at an open window ... because it smells. Follow the instructions, do it right, be patient and give him time! Do not forget, no no hair system is now risk-free for 60 days. This is enough time to return to a full refund if you do not like.

I hope this review has helped to set the right expectations for the product if you do decide to go with it. When I asked "No no no work", my answer is a resounding yes. Bottom line, I had realistic expectations when I bought the product and I am very happy with my purchase No No Hair System.

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